The Truth is Round

Originally posted at


Once again, Andrew Breitbart has his liberal critics weeping, wailing, and gnashing their teeth. Mr. Breitbart keeps on making fools of the Democrat-Media Complex because the latter is composed of fools. Only a fool would have continued to defend Rep. Anthony Weiner after it was obvious that he was ensnared in a series of lies of his own creation. What we have learned is that a 6th grader is smarter than Rep. Weiner since many 6th graders understand how to use Twitter. As far as punishment for Mr. Weiner goes, a Congressional ethics investigation or demands for his resignation are redundant. Mr. Weiner has a far more brutal sentence that that to face. Not only has Mr. Weiner been disloyal to his pregnant wife but he has humiliated his wife in such a public way that virtually the entire world knows of her betrayal. Not even the wildest regions of Antarctica are as silent and icy as what Mr. Weiner must be experiencing right now.

The irony is that the attempts of the  Democrat-Media Complex to defend Mr. Weiner and cover-up the truth only strengthen Mr. Breitbart’s hand. This is what the Democrat-Media Complex fails to understand. It is not Anthony Weiner, Shirley Sherrod, or ACORN that is Mr. Breitbart’s target. Andrew Breitbart has larger ambitions that a single Democratic politician or organization. It is the Democrat-Media Complex itself that is his target and his greatest weapon in this fight is the truth. The Democrat-Media Complex has become so corrupt and full of dishonesty that a citizen journalist armed with only the facts seems to be an outrageous provocation.

The truth is round and does not have a side. This would be a revelation to Salon Editor-at-Large Joan Walsh. Ms. Walsh admits that the revelations of Rep. Weiner’s affair made her “look stupid,” after the truth came out. But in the case of Joan Walsh, corruption begets stupidity. She readily admits that she is a Democrat-Media Complex stooge and not a journalist when she said, “If we let the other side keep taking scalps, that determines who our leaders are…”  In other words, Ms. Walsh considers the truth a damned inconvenience when its gets in the way of Democratic Party propaganda.

All of this might be excusable were it not for the fact that Joan Walsh uttered these inanities on MSNBC’s Ed Schultz Show. Mr. Schultz himself knows a thing or two about being a complete butt boy for the needs of the Democrat-Media Complex. But even Ed Schultz knows when to stop beating a dead horse and move on. Mr. Schultz told both Ms. Walsh and Bill Press (another corrupt fraud) that they were “in denial” about the revelations of Mr. Weiner’s Twitter affair. When you’ve got Ed Schultz being the voice of reason, then you know you’ve seriously gone off the rails and straight into the gutter.

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