Will Lloyd Doggett Make Good on His Winnebago Threat?

Originally posted at www.gipsytim.com


I live in Austin, Texas which means a few things. It means that I live in the 25th Congressional District of Texas and that my Congressman is Lloyd Doggett. If Lying Lloyd thinks this means I will be soft on him because of this, his is once again in error (something he specializes in). This is particularly true when he tries to claim that he is being specially targeted by the current redistricting plan under consideration by the Texas Legislature. In Texas, redistricting is as populist as politics gets, since it has something to make everyone miserable.

I have problems with Mr. Doggett. I have very large problems with Mr. Doggett, but these problems are not personal or partisan. In fact, one can reasonably say that as a legislator, Mr. Doggett is far away from being the worst of the worst. He did, after all, vote against bailing out the Wall Street bankers twice and is to be commended for that. My basic problem with Congressman is that he has simply been in Congress since 2005 and that is too long by at least six years. Any Congressman or Senator who has continuously been in Washington DC can safely be presumed to have become totally corrupt and in the pocket of the K-Street lobbyists.

Lloyd Doggett’s lifelong addiction to a government paycheck started in 1973.  So far as I can determine Mr. Doggett has never had a real job. He was even a Texas Supreme Court justice for a while, but if Alberto Gonzales can be a Texas Supreme Court justice, then anyone can. In Congress, Lloyd Doggett has served so long that he has represented two different districts (the 10th and the 25th). So the prospect of redistricting must be awful frightening to Mr. Doggett as he knows absolutely nothing about the private sector where most of us work. Not that Lying Lloyd should worry too much. He could always become a lobbyist and work for a foreign bank just like Phil Gramm did.

Under latest proposal for the Texas Legislature, Austin would be split up among five congressional districts. This make perfect sense since as Austin has grown, it and the surrounding area make up a metropolitan area that really deserves more than one Congressman. The current proposal would mean that Austin would at least in part be represented by five legislators rather than just one. This a net gain unless your name is Lloyd Doggett and you’re worried about losing your cushy government job.

Lloyd Doggett, who currently lives in East Austin says that he will, “ live in a Winnebago if that’s what it takes.” I didn’t know that the Winnebago made a gold-plated model trimmed with diamonds. No modern-day Cincinatus, Lying Lloyd seems more like his Democratic Party counterpart Dennis Kucinich who is considering moving to another state as result of redistricting in Ohio. Such actions tell us that these men are in Congress to serve themselves and they are only pretending to represent us.