Why Joaquin Castro is a (Sort of) Dream Come True

Originally posted at www.gipsytim.com


Sometime back I had a dangerous notion. What if the Hispanics of the Democratic Party decided they didn’t need the Gringo congressman and decided to vote for one of their own? Although publicly, the Democratic Party establishment would do the politically correct thing, privately the same Democratic Party elites would be livid at the prospect of the Mexicans not staying in their place. Sure they would be willing to tolerate a few Vato Democrats like Luis Gutierrez or Raul Grijalva, but these men serve in districts basically gerrymandered for a Hispanic candidate and not much is expected of them except to keep Hispanics on the Democratic Party plantation.

White guys don’t come much more blanco that Lloyd Doggett, currently of the 25th Texas Congressional District. With redistricting, Congressman Doggett will be running in the newly created 35 Congressional District which will run between Austin and San Antonio more or less along Interstate Highway 35. Bummer for Congressman Doggett, since state legislator Joaquin Castro thinks it would be cool to be a Congressman. Mr. Castro is the brother of current San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, so you can bet that he has friends in the right places for a challenge against Lloyd Doggett. At half of Mr. Doggett’s age, Joaquin Castro seems like a political star on the rise, while Lloyd Doggett seems like a grumpy old guy.

Doggett’s has played a pretty good game at pretending to be a liberal while rubber-stamping every job-outsourcing trade bill to come down the congressional pike. Which is what makes Mr. Castro’s throwing his hat in the ring so interesting. Win or lose, Joaquin Castro is going to force out the truth about Lloyd Doggett’s corruption (not that this is Mr. Castro’s goal). I think a lot of Austin liberals are going to be surprised which heavy hitters from K-Street and Wall Street come riding to Lloyd Doggett’s rescue.

I can hardly wait!

Stop Doing Business with Bailout Banks

Originally posted at www.gipsytim.com


Chris Markowski who hosts the excellent Watchdog on Wallstreet radio program has been one of the most constant and prophetic conservative critics of the Wall Street banking establishment. Mr. Markowski should know. He worked at a Wall Street bank himself for several years but Mr. Markowski is a man of honor and decency who finally became with the ethical black hole that is Wall Street. Despite his experience with crooked Robert Rubin-style Wall Street shenanigans, Chris Markowski is still a capitalist and now operates his own Markowski Investments in Florida.

Mr. Markowski has for years encouraged investors to avoid doing business with the big-name Wall Street banking houses like Goldman-Sachs and JP Morgan (run by Barack Obama;s favorite Wall Street crony Jamie Dimon). According to Markowski the best way for the American public to get even with the Wall Street banking fatcats who wrecked the US economy is to just stop doing business with them. I myself have followed this advice and no longer do business with Bank of America. My money now resides in a banking institution that did not receive bailout money from the Obama Administration.

The top ten offenders who took bailout money are:

  1. Citigroup (NY): $45 billion
  2. AIG (NY): $40 billion
  3. JPMorgan Chase (NY): $25 billion
  4. Bank of America/Merrill Lynch (NC): $25 billion
  5. Wells Fargo (CA): $25 billion
  6. General Motors (MI): $14 billion
  7. Goldman Sachs (NY): $10 billion
  8. Morgan Stanley (NY): $10 billion
  9. PNC Financial Services (PA): $7.58 billion
  10. U.S. Bancorp (MN): $6.6 billion

If you are doing business with these people, then you are part of the problem. As for me, I will no longer do business with Bank of America and even though I grew up in a Chevrolet family, my next car will not be a Chevy. To do anything else would be rewarding bad behavior.


Mitt Romney the Red Menace

Originally posted at www.gipsytim.com


For the life of me, I can’t fathom that the Democrats didn’t appropriate funding to building a statue of Mitt Romney. Romney the Red Menace might technically be a Republican but in his heart he is a Communist as Mao or Lenin. Mere gratitude would seem to suggest that the Democratic Party would honor the scoundrel who made Socialist health care a reality in the United States. Alas, Romney the Red Menace will have to settle for screwing up the opportunity for Republican Party to make Barack Obama a one-term President. After all, if the choice is between two hardcore Communists, then why vote for the Republican nominee at all (same goes for Jon Huntsman).

The fact that Mitt Romney is the current Republican front-runner for the Republican nomination speaks volumes about how bad the Republican establishment has become under the influence of the evil and treasonous Bush Family. Speaking of the stench that is the Bush Family, I recall a Newsmax article a few years ago where Jeb Bush praised Mitt Romney’s Communist health care plan. At that time Mitt Romney was only screwing up the state of Massachusetts, rather than the entire country. Makes perfect sense since both Bush and Romney are Socialist birds of a crooked feather. Jeb Bush is pro-amnesty for millions of hardened and unrepentant criminals for the outlaw nation of Mexico. Romney the Red Menace loves to hire the illegal aliens to do his yard work. I bet Mitt Romney doesn’t even know how to start a lawn mower since he seems to be distinctly unacquainted with real work.

So Romney the Red Menace has the blessing of the Republican establishment and the Bush Family. It makes sense since the Bush Family is desperate to get Jeb Bush into the White House by hook or crook (mostly crook). This why the Karl Rove, the Architect of Destroying the Republican Brand, is on retainer by Fox and Republican establishment outlets. The Las Vegas odds of the Republican establishment trying the sneak Jeb Bush in are very good and Romney the Red Menace makes the perfect seat warmer for Jeb. This explains why despite all their talk, the Republican establishment isn’t taking much action regarding the repeal of Obamacare. In truth, the Republican establishment is quite comfortable with Communist health care. Otherwise they would be trying hard to rescind Romney/Obamacare it a lot harder than they are.