Why Joaquin Castro is a (Sort of) Dream Come True

Originally posted at www.gipsytim.com


Sometime back I had a dangerous notion. What if the Hispanics of the Democratic Party decided they didn’t need the Gringo congressman and decided to vote for one of their own? Although publicly, the Democratic Party establishment would do the politically correct thing, privately the same Democratic Party elites would be livid at the prospect of the Mexicans not staying in their place. Sure they would be willing to tolerate a few Vato Democrats like Luis Gutierrez or Raul Grijalva, but these men serve in districts basically gerrymandered for a Hispanic candidate and not much is expected of them except to keep Hispanics on the Democratic Party plantation.

White guys don’t come much more blanco that Lloyd Doggett, currently of the 25th Texas Congressional District. With redistricting, Congressman Doggett will be running in the newly created 35 Congressional District which will run between Austin and San Antonio more or less along Interstate Highway 35. Bummer for Congressman Doggett, since state legislator Joaquin Castro thinks it would be cool to be a Congressman. Mr. Castro is the brother of current San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, so you can bet that he has friends in the right places for a challenge against Lloyd Doggett. At half of Mr. Doggett’s age, Joaquin Castro seems like a political star on the rise, while Lloyd Doggett seems like a grumpy old guy.

Doggett’s has played a pretty good game at pretending to be a liberal while rubber-stamping every job-outsourcing trade bill to come down the congressional pike. Which is what makes Mr. Castro’s throwing his hat in the ring so interesting. Win or lose, Joaquin Castro is going to force out the truth about Lloyd Doggett’s corruption (not that this is Mr. Castro’s goal). I think a lot of Austin liberals are going to be surprised which heavy hitters from K-Street and Wall Street come riding to Lloyd Doggett’s rescue.

I can hardly wait!

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