How Low Can the Congress Go?

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President Obama can take some comfort that his approval rating is in the 40% range. These are not good numbers for a President seeking reelection (forget about it, Barry)but are sky high compared to the US Congress, which now has an 18% approval rating. That’s right, 82% hate Congress! Americans despise both of them, which shouldn’t be surprising since the DLC Democrats are basically Republican Lite.

A recent article at the excellent Firedoglake blog entitled “Approval of Congress at All Time Low” spells out the most recent polling data. This is the lowest approval rating since 1977 when the New York Times began running the poll. Congress is viewed less favorably now that under the Carter/Reagan recession, the Daddy Bush/Clinton recession, or under the mid-1990’s Republican “shut-down-the-government” stunts. The New York Times/CBS survey summarized the mood of the American people as

More than four out of five people surveyed said that the recent debt-ceiling debate was more about gaining political advantage than about doing what is best for the country. Nearly three-quarters said that the debate had harmed the image of the United States in the world.”

The American populace wants Congress to focus on jobs, but you can pretty well forget about that. Most Congressmen and Senators are thralls to the scam called Globalism which is just a cover for Wall Street to outsource American jobs to China and for lying politicians like Congressman Lloyd Doggett to claim how great globalism has been for American workers. Lenin rightly predicted that the Communism would have the Capitalists with the very rope that they sold to the Communists. The current batch of mental midgets in Washington DC are proving Lenin’s words to be true.

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