Bachmann and Perry: The Bush Family’s Very Bad Week

Originally published at


The past week has been a bad one for President Barack Obama but he can take at least a little comfort in the fact that he’s not the only one that has gotten hit upside the head with the double whammy. Right now the evil and treasonous Bush Family must be having a collective freakout. The Bush Family and the Establishment Republicans are all banking on Mitt Romney. It’s not out of any great love for Romney, since as the architect of the Obama Administration’s botched attempt at health care reform, Comrade Mitt’s Communist tendencies are all too well known. Despite that, the Establishment Republicans see Romney the Red as their best chance to sneak Jeb Bush in (as Vice-President or perhaps a department head).

The Republican Establishment loves the Bush Family in the same way that 14-year old girls with raging hormones love Justin Bebop (or whatever his name is). They would do just about anything for a Jeb Bush presidency. Ironically, it’s the pesky Tea Party types that are forcing Jeb Bush to keep a low profile.
When it comes to despising the evil and treasonous Bush Family, the Democrats have nothing on the Tea Party. The Democrats merely hate the Bush Family for being Republican but the Tea Party feels that the Bush Family betrayed them.

So the Bush Family has to be fairly miserable to have learned that Michelle Bachman won the Republican straw poll held in Ames, Iowa. Of course, the straw poll doesn’t count for much other than a chance for some Republicans to take in the Iowa State Fair and deduct is as a campaign expense. On the other hand, the Iowa State Fair is supposed to be quite a show, though they don’t have Big Tex like we do here in Texas.

Just as an aside, one of the hot food items at the Iowa State Fair this year is deep-fried butter. Yep, a stick of butter battered and deep-fried in oil. That must make for an interesting exhibit for any discussion on health care. I think I gained a few pounds just writing this paragraph.

Bachman won the Iowa Straw Poll by a margin of 4823 votes with Ron Paul coming in second place. Mitt Romney, by comparison, got a paltry 567 votes.  Regarding Comrade Mitt’s poor showing, former Republican National Committee Chairman Haley Barbour said, “Romney better strap it on and get on the field,” At least Romney did better than Jon Huntsman who clocked in at 69 votes.

All this means little since the early front-runner is rarely the candidate that gets the nomination. It does, however, show that the ideas of the Tea Party is what’s driving the Republican Presidential race at the moment. Mitt Romney still has an advantage in the fact that he has run for President before, which means he knows what to expect and already has a organizational structure in place from his previous attempt in 2008.

To make matters worse for the Bush Family (and Romney) is that Texas Governor Rick Perry announced that he is running for President, as well. Despite the fact that Perry was the Lieutenant Governor under George W. Bush, there has been no love lost between the Bush and Perry camps in recent years. Ironically, Rick Perry entered politics as a Democrat but is now more conservative than the Bush Family and most of the Establishment Republicans. I’ll have plenty to say about Perry in the coming months. For now let’s just say that if you like tool roads, then you’re going to love Rick Perry.

Barack Obama Is Not One Of Us

Originally posted at


If there is any good to come from the Democratic Party’s total surrender during the Debt Ceiling negotiations, it is the fact that no honest Progressive can any longer pretend that the current sorry bunch of DLC Democrats in the US Congress represent Progressive or Liberal ideas in any shape, fashion, or form.  The Democrats who were willing to go along with Bill Clinton and traitor Al From now can see the result of their willingness to sacrifice principle for a temporary and totally hollow political win.

Like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama is another  lying DLC snake in the grass. Forget about the Republicans!  If the Progressives want to stop getting shot in the back, then they will need to clean up their own backyard first.  Progressives will have to deal with the DLC Democrats and vote them out of office.  If you have a Democratic representative who has been in office more than 10 years, then they need to be shit-canned.  If your Congressman has been in office for more than 10 years, then they are already totally saturated with K-Street corruption. If the K-Street lobbyists haven’t gotten to your Congressman, then you can bet the treasonous Democratic Leadership Council has.

It started with the DLC and NAFTA. Nancy Pelosi voted for NAFTA, so I wasn’t surprised at all when NAFTA Nancy rammed through a fraudulent health care reform that included no public option. Nor should anyone been surprised that some twenty-odd high-dollar restaurants in Pelosi’s district were granted waiver from the same health care legislation. At least we now know which restaurant’s are NAFTA Nancy’s favorites in the San Francisco Bay area.

This has been the DLC game, to scare Progressive with the prospect that the Republican might win. At least when Republicans win, they act like Republicans. But when the DLC Democrats win, they still act like Republicans. So, it the Debt Ceiling debate, it wasn’t the Republicans that put cutting Social Security and Medicare on the table. It was the DLC golden-boy Barack Obama. Similarly, my Congressman Lloyd Doggett talks a good game, but he has signed onto just about every NAFTA-style trade deal that has come down the Congressional pike. Never mind the words of a DLC Democrat like Congressman Doggett, pay attention to their action. Through his actions Lloyd Doggett has proved time and time again that he loves outsourcing American jobs.

This is why the Obama Administration, filled to the rafters with DLC slime, has such a problem with Progressive bloggers.  A real Progressive like Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake or Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks aren’t going along the DLC Democrat line of crap. As Cenk Uygur put in a recent Firedoglake article entitled “Obama’s Tipping Point”,

“… does anyone think that the guy who hired Tim Geithner, Rahm Emanuel, Larry Summers, William Daley, Peter Orszag, Ben Bernanke, etc. is remotely progressive? If you looked throughout the whole country, could you find more conservative, establishment Democrats? Barely, if at all. And, of course, some of those guys aren’t even Democrats.”

How Low Can the Congress Go?

Originally posted at


President Obama can take some comfort that his approval rating is in the 40% range. These are not good numbers for a President seeking reelection (forget about it, Barry)but are sky high compared to the US Congress, which now has an 18% approval rating. That’s right, 82% hate Congress! Americans despise both of them, which shouldn’t be surprising since the DLC Democrats are basically Republican Lite.

A recent article at the excellent Firedoglake blog entitled “Approval of Congress at All Time Low” spells out the most recent polling data. This is the lowest approval rating since 1977 when the New York Times began running the poll. Congress is viewed less favorably now that under the Carter/Reagan recession, the Daddy Bush/Clinton recession, or under the mid-1990’s Republican “shut-down-the-government” stunts. The New York Times/CBS survey summarized the mood of the American people as

More than four out of five people surveyed said that the recent debt-ceiling debate was more about gaining political advantage than about doing what is best for the country. Nearly three-quarters said that the debate had harmed the image of the United States in the world.”

The American populace wants Congress to focus on jobs, but you can pretty well forget about that. Most Congressmen and Senators are thralls to the scam called Globalism which is just a cover for Wall Street to outsource American jobs to China and for lying politicians like Congressman Lloyd Doggett to claim how great globalism has been for American workers. Lenin rightly predicted that the Communism would have the Capitalists with the very rope that they sold to the Communists. The current batch of mental midgets in Washington DC are proving Lenin’s words to be true.

Are independent Voters Racist?

Barack Obama won the Presidency in 2008 with the help of Independents and voters who normally vote Republican. He was able to do so largely out of disgust with the administration of George W. Bush. Given that fact, it is interesting that the Democrat-Media Complex declares anyone who disagrees with the policy of the Obama Administration to be a closet Klansman. On TV networks like MS-NBC and CNN or websites like Firedoglake or the Huffington Post, you hear the same old tired Liberal refrain. Conservatives only oppose the policies Obama Administration and the Democrat Party because they can’t stand the sight of a black man in the White House. In truth, if President Obama was purple with pink polka-dots, the result would be exactly the same.

The race-baiting of the Left has become tiresomely predictable. It seems to be the default position of template Liberals whenever they know that their arguments have no merit (98.5% of the time). Moreover, it is a tactic that is much like the boy who cried wolf. No one really takes the charges of racism as seriously as such charge should be taken because of the race-baiters like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Shirley Sherrod, and the like. And then there are the outright rackets like so-called singer Jill Scott who should be horrified that a person like mixed race parentage should be allowed to live.

The ridiculousness of the Left’s bogus racism claims can be measured by the fact that the Indpendent voter support that Barack Obama has lost after bailing out the Wall Street fat cats and creating a forced health care mandate is completely the result of racism. As one of the Independents who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and is now looking forward to voting for his opponent in 2012, the Left’s assertion would be that in a mere 2 years, a large segment of voters went from being non-racist to full bore sheet-wearing.racists. This as if there were no such thing as buyer’s remorse. Like George W. Bush’s claim of Iraqi weapon of mass destruction, the Democrat-Media Complex claims of racism become more and more unbelievable with each retelling.

Update: Mitt Romney is Still a Communist

Mitt Romney  gave a speech at the University of Michigan yesterday, and true to his Communist beliefs, the Slickster maintained the unbelievable fiction that his plan is totally different from Barack Obama’s. Sorry Comrade Romney but a forced mandate at the barrel of the government gun is still a forced mandate at the barrel of the government gun. The half-hearted and totally cynical state’s rights argument that the Slickster is trying to peddle is selling. As President Barack Obama will tell you, Mitt Romney Socialized Healthcare plan in Massachusetts was the template for Obamacare. The only wonder was that the Democrats didn’t appropriate the funds to build a statue of Mitt Romney, who gave them the Communist health care system that had dreamed of for so many years.

As the Wall Street Journal noted, ” the health reform Mr. Romney passed in 2006 as Massachusetts governor was the prototype for President Obama’s version and gave national health care a huge political boost.” Michael Cannon of the Cato Institute, was more to the point. “It doesn’t even seem fair to call them similarities, it seems like they’re identicalities,” said Mr. Cannon. And on the sameness of Romneycare and Obamacare all sides seems to be able to agree. “The similarities between what he championed in Massachusetts and what the president has championed are about 100 percent,” Center for American Progress’s Neera Tanden.” When you can get the Cato Institute and the Center for American Progress to agree on on something, then it must be undeniably true.

Romney could apologize for basically creating Obamacare, but his arrogance precludes that from happening. In truth, the fact that Romney is considered a contender of the Presidency by the Republican establishment, so just how screwed up the Republican establishment is. Having a “R” by your name on the ballot form is not enough as the experience here in Texas attests to. For many years, Texas has two Republican Senators Kay Bailey Hutchinson and John Cornyn. From a conservative standpoint, both of them are totally worthless. If Romney became the Republican nominee running against President Obama, the end result would basically be a toss up, since both men share the same Communist ideology. The only real question in that case would be whether Barack Obama is the black Mitt Romney or whether Mitt Romney is the white Barack Obama.

The 95% of Americans that Barack Obama Doesn’t Care About

If it seems like the Obama Administration is unconcerned with the prospect of perpetual 10%+ unemployment, it because the Obama Administration, and indeed the whole Democratic Party is completely comfortable with a section of the American citizenry being permanently unemployed or underemployed. That because, from the point-of-view of the DC beltway view, all that unemployment has nothing to do with them. Richard Escow who writes regularly on the Huffington Post has a good explanation why this is. Mr. Escow may be on the liberal side of the aisle but he often has interesting and truthful insights on economic matters. In a recent article, he refers to the “Acela Economy” ( Mr. Escow defines the Acela Economy as consisting of “…he economy of Wall Street and corporate Manhattan, along with Washington’s thriving economy of lobbyists, politicians, ex-politicians, national security contractors, and assorted hangers-on.” He calls this the Acela Economy since Amtrak’s Acela Express links the two cities of Washington DC and New York City, where most of this group resides.

And then there’s the rest of us, which Escow refers to as the Majority Economy. The Majority Economy is the other 95% of us. We are the 95% that President Barack Obama doesn’t care about. We are the 95% of the Ameican people that the Democratic Party has turned its back to. A Democratic Party that actually cared about the Majority economy would not betraying to ram 3 (count ’em 3) new NAFTA-style trade deals to offshore yet more American jobs to foreign countries. A Democratic Party that actually cared about the Majority Economy would be deporting hardened and unrepentant immigration criminals rather that turning a blind eye as they take jobs that American damned well will do.  But these are exactly the kinds of things the Democratic Party is doing, because as far as the Democratic Party is concerned, those of us in the Majority Economy can go screw off and die.