Bachmann and Perry: The Bush Family’s Very Bad Week

Originally published at


The past week has been a bad one for President Barack Obama but he can take at least a little comfort in the fact that he’s not the only one that has gotten hit upside the head with the double whammy. Right now the evil and treasonous Bush Family must be having a collective freakout. The Bush Family and the Establishment Republicans are all banking on Mitt Romney. It’s not out of any great love for Romney, since as the architect of the Obama Administration’s botched attempt at health care reform, Comrade Mitt’s Communist tendencies are all too well known. Despite that, the Establishment Republicans see Romney the Red as their best chance to sneak Jeb Bush in (as Vice-President or perhaps a department head).

The Republican Establishment loves the Bush Family in the same way that 14-year old girls with raging hormones love Justin Bebop (or whatever his name is). They would do just about anything for a Jeb Bush presidency. Ironically, it’s the pesky Tea Party types that are forcing Jeb Bush to keep a low profile.
When it comes to despising the evil and treasonous Bush Family, the Democrats have nothing on the Tea Party. The Democrats merely hate the Bush Family for being Republican but the Tea Party feels that the Bush Family betrayed them.

So the Bush Family has to be fairly miserable to have learned that Michelle Bachman won the Republican straw poll held in Ames, Iowa. Of course, the straw poll doesn’t count for much other than a chance for some Republicans to take in the Iowa State Fair and deduct is as a campaign expense. On the other hand, the Iowa State Fair is supposed to be quite a show, though they don’t have Big Tex like we do here in Texas.

Just as an aside, one of the hot food items at the Iowa State Fair this year is deep-fried butter. Yep, a stick of butter battered and deep-fried in oil. That must make for an interesting exhibit for any discussion on health care. I think I gained a few pounds just writing this paragraph.

Bachman won the Iowa Straw Poll by a margin of 4823 votes with Ron Paul coming in second place. Mitt Romney, by comparison, got a paltry 567 votes.  Regarding Comrade Mitt’s poor showing, former Republican National Committee Chairman Haley Barbour said, “Romney better strap it on and get on the field,” At least Romney did better than Jon Huntsman who clocked in at 69 votes.

All this means little since the early front-runner is rarely the candidate that gets the nomination. It does, however, show that the ideas of the Tea Party is what’s driving the Republican Presidential race at the moment. Mitt Romney still has an advantage in the fact that he has run for President before, which means he knows what to expect and already has a organizational structure in place from his previous attempt in 2008.

To make matters worse for the Bush Family (and Romney) is that Texas Governor Rick Perry announced that he is running for President, as well. Despite the fact that Perry was the Lieutenant Governor under George W. Bush, there has been no love lost between the Bush and Perry camps in recent years. Ironically, Rick Perry entered politics as a Democrat but is now more conservative than the Bush Family and most of the Establishment Republicans. I’ll have plenty to say about Perry in the coming months. For now let’s just say that if you like tool roads, then you’re going to love Rick Perry.

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