Pawlenty’s Predictable Exit

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John Dean, who was once part of the Watergate cover-up in the Nixon Administration was once asked what kind of man would want to be the President of the United States. “An unnatural freak,” Mr. Dean answered. Since Barack Obama has the Democratic side of things to himself, that leaves the Republicans to provide us with the political freak show. After the straw poll in Ames, Iowa, the field of presidential pretenders is slowly but surely being narrowed down.

The big winner was Michelle Bachmann, with Ron Paul placing second. Bachmann outpaced the supposed (according to the media) front-runner Mitt Romney by thousands of votes. Ron Paul garnered his second-place finish more due to his consistent Libertarian principles than any real chance of being nominated for the presidency. Love or hate Mr. Paul, you always know where he stands and the voters at Ames respected that.

It was no surprise that Tim Pawlenty dropped out of the race after Ames. With limited resources he had bet big on Ames and lost. Pawlenty was a competent governor for the state of Minnesota, but a presidential candidate has to generate excitement among the voters. Exciting and Tim Pawlenty seemed to be mutually exclusive on the campaign trail. Besides but Pawlenty and Bachmann are from Minnesota, so it was almost a given that one would be going home empty-handed.

As to the rest, Mitt Romney is still the choice of the Republican Establishment, if only because he is the evil and treasonous Bush Family’s best chance at sneaking Jeb Bush into the White House. Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum are merely in it because they expect to be able to command larger speaker’s fee after they drop out of the race. Who knows why Jon Huntsman is race for and Herman Cain g seems to be engaged in an exercise of pure vanity. Cain has no chance. Barack Obama’s performance as President has been so bad that it will be another 50 years before any African-American has a shot at the Oval Office. I know that some will try to interpret that as racist, but it’s not. Perceptions matter in politics and the stakes are so high with the presidency that the bad taste that Barack Obama has left in the mouth of voters will linger for a long time to come.  It’s a shame, but Barack Obama threw his lot in with the Wall Street banksters and turned his back on the American people. That is something that will not be forgotten.

The X-factor is the entry of Texas Governor Rick Perry into the race. Perry was not at the Ames straw poll but announced his candidacy this weekend. Even though he wasn’t at Ames, Rick Perry got a few hundred more votes than Mitt Romney. Things aren’t looking good for the Slickster at the moment. On the other hand, the Bush Family hates Rick Perry, and that can be useful to Romney’s campaign.